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General Questions
Software Capability
Can multiple users view the same shared screen including PDFs and Webforms at the same time using the application on various browsers such as Edge, Firefox, Chrome etc.?
Eazyshow helps banks and financial institutions expand their business remotely by using dedicated and embedded video chat solutions. It allows banks to efficiently and effectively serve their customers while offering a variety of services remotely that weren’t possible before. The solution allows remote live interaction while complying with strict regulatory requirements.
Please list any value-added services that can be provided in addition to the core capability
Eazyshow helps banks and financial institutions expand their business remotely by using dedicated and embedded video chat solutions. It allows banks to efficiently and effectively serve their customers while offering a variety of services remotely that weren’t possible before. The solution allows remote live interaction while complying with strict regulatory requirements.
Does the application allow recording of co-browsing sessions and allow the distribution
of the recording for training?
Eazyshow helps banks and financial institutions expand their business remotely by using dedicated and embedded video chat solutions. It allows banks to efficiently and effectively serve their customers while offering a variety of services remotely that weren’t possible before. The solution allows remote live interaction while complying with strict regulatory requirements.
Can the application be integrated into a co-browsing session with telephony, chat and/or video chat?
Eazyshow helps banks and financial institutions expand their business remotely by using dedicated and embedded video chat solutions. It allows banks to efficiently and effectively serve their customers while offering a variety of services remotely that weren’t possible before. The solution allows remote live interaction while complying with strict regulatory requirements.
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